I could not believe it at first, but this did actually happen. Last Wednesday, I managed to finish my London escorts shift a bit earlier than normal. When I finish my London escorts shift early, I often give my boyfriend a call and ask him to come to pick me up. However, as he had been away, I wanted to sneak back home and surprise him. Little did I know that I would get the surprise, if not the shock of my life as I walked into my bedroom.
When I came home from charlotte escorts, the first thing I noticed, was the soft music coming from my bedroom. It was the kind of music my boyfriend and I would often make love to. I have to admit that I wondered what was going on, but seriously, I only thought that my boyfriend was in the mood for love. So, I slipped off the high heel shoes that I wear for London escorts and tip-toed my way down the hall. As I got closer, I picked up the scent of vanilla candles that I simply love. By now I was sure that my boyfriend was arranging a night of pleasure for both of us.
Anyway, I am pretty sure that other London escorts have found themselves in this situation, but what I found still shocked me. Sitting on the bed was my boyfriend. He was wearing my favorite La Perla lingerie and taking photos of himself. The lights were low and it was like he was having a private moment. Not only have I worked hard at London escorts to afford to buy La Perla lingerie, but I had no clue that my boyfriend was as much into La Perla as I am.
To cut a long story short, it took seconds for my boyfriend to notice that I had walked into the room. He must have thought that I was still at London escorts as otherwise I felt pretty sure that he would not sit around talking snaps of himself wearing my La Perla lingerie. He looked totally shocked when I said hello and looked at him in a funny sort of way. Did he turn me on? For some strange reason, I could not help but to feel slightly turned on by him. It was kind of kinky seeing my boyfriend wearing my knickers.
Did I know what to do? I was not sure what to do at all. All of a sudden I lost my London escorts cool and calm character. Thinking about it for a second, I did not know whether to ravish my boyfriend or just continue to stare at him. He really seemed to be into what he was doing. Eventually, I asked him if he liked my knickers. Anxiously looking around, he must have realised that he had been caught out. No matter how much I tried to engage my mouth, I simply couldn’t. I just stood there looking at the man who was sitting on my bed wearing my very expensive lingerie. Was this actually happening to me?